st. catherine qoute

(St. Catherine of Siena)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Mother's Love

There is nothing quite like the love of a mother. I love my Mom very much. She has first of all given me life and planted the seed of faith in my soul at a young age. Mom has been there as a shoulder to cry and the comforting voice of encouragement when I doubted myself or was worried. I love her and someday hope to be the kind of mother she has been to me. However, nothing can compare with my Heavenly Mommy...the Blessed Mother, Mary....Jesus' mother. I love the Blessed Mother because she was the mother of Jesus, and He loved her very much (heck, if it is good enough for the Son of God, its good enough for me). And also, because Jesus gave his mother to us. As He hung dying on the cross, Jesus gave Mary away to the world; so that we would also love and honor as much as Jesus did.

Often, the concept and understanding of the Blessed Mother can be a stumbling block between Catholics and Protestants. Just to clarify any misconception,s Catholics do not worship Mary or give her any more love than we would to Jesus. We go to Mary because Jesus loved her and simply ask her to pray we may be holy and one go to Heaven. Any doubts about that read the the Gospel of St. Luke; Mary is mentioned, spoken of in places of honor, and an important character in the life of Christ. Our Lady has one job; to lead all souls to Jesus Christ! However, this post is not to convince non Catholics or even Catholics to immediately begin praying the Rosary or scoop up every Marian book to learn about Our Lady. My point here is to share my own personal love for the Mother of God and how her presence has and is continually changing my life.

It is simple, I talk (yes, even aloud) to Mary as I would with Jesus in prayer. I ask her to help me, pray for me, help me strive for purity and name it, and I bring it to her and ask her to take it to Jesus. As a woman, I feel a special closeness to Mary (sorry guys!). As a little girl, I was always fascinated with the Mother of God, but saw her more as a distant "holy lady chilling up in Heaven with Jesus." I never saw Our Lady as loving me personally as a mother loves her little one. Through my own personal trials and sufferings, I would come often and cry on Mary's shoulder. I would ask her to help me, make things clear, and give me strength.....just as I would with my Mom. I look to her as an example for my own life as an example of humility, unwavering faith, trust, submission to the will of God, and purity...all things I need more and more of. It is very hard to explain, I just love Mary. She IS my second Mommy. Our Lady is a rare and beautiful jewel given to man kind by Jesus, and she loves each of us as if we were her only little child.

No matter how lax I can get in my daily prayer or procrastinate praying the rosary, this part of my morning routine never changes. When awakening, I kiss an image I have hanging of the Blessed Mother and I also kiss the crucifix on my bedside table. I need to remind and challenge myself every day to love Jesus and Mary more ardently. I need to remind and challenge myself to strive more for holiness as the two most perfect examples I have; Jesus and Mary. I need to remember to surrender my day, my life to Jesus and Mary. And most importantly, I have to remind myself, that without the help and intercession of Jesus Christ and the Blessed Mother, I am spiritually lost.

So just as you love Jesus, honor and love His mother too! For truly, that is what He desires.
"Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for ME a sinner!"

***This past Lent, I wrote an article for a Catholic newspaper. May reading it for you call and inspire you to love and know OUR Blessed Mother more in your own life***

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